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What should I do with the shipping documents?
What should I do with the shipping documents?
Leroy Buiter avatar
Geschreven door Leroy Buiter
Meer dan 5 maanden geleden bijgewerkt

If you have booked a shipment on our shipping platform, you will receive all shipping documents from us. The shipping documents consist of:

  • The shipping labels of your chosen carrier

  • Customs Invoice (required for dutiable shipments)

  • Additional customs documents (optional)

The shipping documents often look like this:

Carrier shipping labels

These are the labels of the carrier you chose. The quantity of pages may vary per type of shipment, destination country and carrier.

The shipping labels from FedEx, for example, look like this:

Customs invoice

If you have sent a shipment from or to a country outside the European Union (e.g. from the Netherlands to the United States), a customs invoice is required. In our shipping platform you can choose to easily generate a customs invoice or upload one yourself. The customs invoice is added in quadruplicate in accordance with customs guidelines.

💡 Please note, no customs invoice is required for document shipments.

This is an example of a customs invoice:

MyParcelParcel is available in Dutch or English

Additional customs documents

You also have the option to add additional customs documents such as an Art Statement or FCC document during your booking. We also add these customs documents to your shipping documents so that you only have to print once.

This is an example of a customs document (in this case an Art Statement ):

What should I do with the shipping documents?

If you have booked a shipment on our shipping platform, you will receive the shipping documents per tracking number by email. Read the next steps below:

1. Print your labels - Download the shipping documents (PDF) in the attachment and print them out.

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2. Attach the labels - Don't have tape? Ask the courier who comes to collect the shipment for an insert sleeve. Do you deliver the shipment to a drop-off point? Then you may be able to ask for a slipcase at the drop-off point (not always available). Please note, that when dropping off a FedEx/TNT shipment, a valid ID is required, and the package must be open for inspection.

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3. Hand over - Give the shipment to the courier who will pick up your shipment or at a drop-off point of your choice .

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